You need a roadmap to actually create a business.
If you’re on this page, you want to build a business for yourself.
- You’ve thought about launching a business for years now, but can’t get started.
- Your Youtube, X, TikTok, Instagram (whatever) is is filled with business advice.
- You’ve dabbled here or there with business ideas, but nothing seems to stick.
- You worked for months to build a social media audience, and (surprise) there’s no money coming in
- You are stuck between “i want to make money” and “i want to do something meaningful”.
- You’ve pivoted your business idea 100 times, but still don’t have a clear path forward.
If that feels like you – I’ve got some news for you:
Business Advice is Killing You. Let me give it to you straight. If you don’t have a business that you’re actively running today – you’ve got no reason to be consuming more business advice because…
Business advice is for people that already have a business.
Here’s the deal.
If you don’t have something to sell:
- Learning how to cold DM better is irrelevant. You have nothing to sell the people in those DMs.
- Learning how to generate more leads is irrelevant. You have nothing to lead those people to.
- Learning how to market yourself on social media is irrelevant. You have nothing to sell to your followers.
The advice is ahead of where you are today. It’s not actually valuable.
Here’s what you actually need now.
Here’s Your Options.
- You can keep posting on social media, and hoping that a business forms out of thin air.
- You can keep “jumping on calls with people” and hoping that they’ll offer to pay you for your advice.
- You can keep consuming Alex Hormozi and Dan Koe, and hope that you absorb business knowledge thru osmosis.
Or You Can Start Thinking Like a Business.
Here’s the deal.
There are people who spend years trying to find the perfect idea. Bouncing from thing to thing. Hoping that someone notices them. And giving up before they build any traction.
I don’t want that to be you.
I want you to look back at 2024 as the year that you finally pieced it together.
- You actually started.
- You found the right idea.
- You found people who wanted to buy it.
- You start making real money.
- You went at it full time.
The Webinar Series to Actually Build Your Business in 2024.
If you want 2024 to be the year that you finally unlock the impact you’ve been trying to make for years – then join me in the “2024 Business Incubator Webinars” running every Saturday at 9AM EST and running through the end of the year.
I’ll be showing you how to:
- Get crystal clear on your mission.
- Break that mission down into accomplishable goals.
- Form a business around that subset of goals.
- Package what you do in a way that helps your audience find you.
- Validate your business against real people, and see what you’re made of.
Sound like a deal? Then Register for the Solo Business Incubator Webinar Series, and I’ll throw you more details.