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Give me 4 hours – I’ll teach you how to finally launch your business

TLDR; I’m launching the Solo Business Incubator Webinar Series on December 2 at 11AM EST.

I’ll be teaching purpose-driven, human-oriented coaches, consultants, and advisors how to go from “I have a ton of cool ideas and skills” to “I have an offer that I can start selling to people”.

Here’s what’s in store:

  • Week One: The Josh Walker Mini-MBA for Solo Businesses
  • Week Two: Turn Your Ideas Into Businesses
  • Week Three: Find The Audience That Wants your Offer
  • Week Four: How to Validate Your Offer Quickly

After four hours with me, you’ll understand:

  • The right first steps to take as an aspiring coach, advisor, or consultant.
  • How to generate offers from your skill set and unique differentiators (and which skills to create an offer around).
  • How to niche-down without selling out.
  • 3 Methods to validate your offer before you spend months building it (and release to *crickets*)
  • The 5 Step Framework to find your audience.

If this sounds like a great fit, reserve your spot below.

I’m going to help you launch your purpose-driven business… or I’ll die trying. Here’s why.

If you’ve been following me for a while now, then you know I’m all about purpose-driven coaches and consultants actually starting their businesses.

But I haven’t really talked much about why.

See – I entered into technology in my 20s with my eyes on money. I knew that I could get a job programming with a four year degree (or less). And for a while, programming was super fun.

Solving logic problems all days was a blast.

But after five years in the industry, I realized something.

It’s all bullshit. And that shit flows downhill onto regular people.

I was looking for a new job in tech.

I had gotten bored with coding the same APIs over and over again, and not really seeing the impact of my work.

And I was getting tired of only working for businesses who served other businesses (B2B). I was looking for a job where I’d be able to serve regular people.

But – after looking around for a new position all I could find was:

  • Advertising Technology. This didn’t exactly light me up, because it was just helping huge corps track you online and sell you more shit you don’t need. I didn’t want to contribute to that anymore.
  • “Blockchain” Startups. Blockchain is cool as hell. But not everything in the world needs to utilize blockchain. And so there was a whole industry (similar to AI now) where people would just say the words to get funding.
  • VC Backed Tech Companies. Venture capital is wild invention. You get funding to quickly scale a business (with no consideration of building a profitable business), in order to build enough revenue to either get bought by another company or to go public. The downside – you trade the control of the direction of your business.

And after looking for months – it felt like going to another company would be the same exact thing I already didn’t like.

See – I wanted to make an impact to real people.

I didn’t want to play games with “getting funding by giving up control of my business” or “learning a new tech, only to find that the founders of the business didn’t actually understand what the tech was and why they’d use it”.

And I certainly didn’t want to contribute to problems that I already thought were big (like overconsumption being fed by advertising algorithms).

And so there I stood.

Paralyzed by indecision.

Looking for a new job to answer a question that only I could answer.

What the fuck do I want to do with my life?

And I was getting stuck on the same questions over and over. Maybe this sounds familiar?

What is my purpose?

What would I enjoy doing for the rest of my life?

How will I make a drastic impact on the world in the way I want?

These are huge questions. And they’re liable to tie you up for years. For me – it was six years.

Six years that I just stuck with the status quo. Even though I knew it wasn’t what I wanted any more.


  • That I could have been sharing my ideas.
  • That I could have been building a following.
  • That I could have been making a real life impact.
  • That I could have been building something for myself.
  • That I could have been building products, courses, videos, books that really could have made an impact on the world.

But I was soooooo stuck on “finding the right thing”, that I didn’t do anything.

I only found the answer by…

Reframing the questions I was asking myself.

Instead of

What’s my Purpose?

I thought

What problems bug me enough that I ‘d like to help people solve them?

Instead of

How do I make the huge impact that I want to?

I thought

What impact can I make today?

Instead of

How do I want to help people?

I thought

Who desperately needs my help right now?

And suddenly I was unstuck. Can you see why?

I moved from an imaginary future to a compelling picture of today.

Instead of trying to imagine my way to the perfect answer, I dragged myself into the present.

What can I DO NOW? How can I help NOW? What problems bother me enough to want to solve them NOW?

And those answers led me to the mission I’m on now.

The Problem that I’m working on is:

Most people spend 70% of their waking hours making other people rich at the expense of fulfilling work.

I can’t stand that so many people will watch their lives pass by without ever truly “going for it”. And they will end up on their deathbed with one single question…

“That was it? That was my whole life?”

I don’t want that to happen to anyone I come into contact with.

The Impact I can make today is:

I can help people learn the fundamentals to finding a realistic business idea, and getting clients for it within a six weeks – instead of six months – OR SIX FUCKING YEARS.

And so I’m on this mission to help as many purpose-driven people actually make the impact they want on the world. By building small businesses that will actually allow them to focus on the purpose full-time.

And if you’re stuck imagining the future, focusing on the present will help.

Reviewing your present and taking action NOW is how you create the FUTURE. By reviewing where you are right now, you are able to take immediate action which helps you figure out:

  • What you like
  • What you don’t like
  • What you’re good at
  • What results you can deliver
  • Where you want to go next

This level of clarity only comes through experience.

It doesn’t come through sitting in your brain all day trying to find the perfect answer.

Just find a “good enough to start doing something now” answer and run with it.

If you want some help…

I turned the exact questions that I asked myself into a worksheet so others could do the same for themselves.

You can download that sheet for free here.

And if your impact involves starting a business in 2024…

Then you might be interested in the 2024 Solo Business Incubator Webinar Series that begins this Saturday, December 2nd at 11am EST.

I’ll be teaching purpose-driven, human-oriented coaches, consultants, and advisors how to go from “I have a ton of cool ideas and skills” to “I have an offer that I can start selling to people”.

Here’s what’s in store:

  • Week One: The Josh Walker Mini-MBA for Solo Businesses
  • Week Two: Turn Your Ideas Into Businesses
  • Week Three: Find The Audience That Wants your Offer
  • Week Four: How to Validate Your Offer Quickly

After four hours with me, you’ll understand:

  • The right first steps to take as an aspiring coach, advisor, or consultant.
  • How to generate offers from your skill set and unique differentiators (and which skills to create an offer around).
  • How to niche-down without selling out.
  • 3 Methods to validate your offer before you spend months building it (and release to *crickets*)
  • The 5 Step Framework to find your audience.

If this sounds like a great fit, then click below to reserve your spot.

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